Saturday, March 24, 2012

T-shirt Remodel

This afternoon was a sick-and-exhausted-from-a-weekend-away-but-in-a-creative-mood afternoon. I felt especially adventurous, so I pulled out one of my brother's old t-shirts from one of my gloriously full crafting drawers. Less than an hour of trying on, pulling off, pinning, sewing, and snipping, I had turned a men's XL t-shirt into a fun, rather fitted shirt for my small self. This is officially the most forgiving project ever, and even though T-shirts aren't really my "thing", I may have to start mass-producing them :)

The sleeves were actually removed entirely, as the shoulder part was long enough to cover my shoulder and provide a substantial cap sleeve. If anyone would like, I can make a tutorial sometime for the fitting of the body, although it involves little more than trying the shirt on inside out, carefully pinning the sides the way you want them, and sewing along the pins. The bottom hem has been entirely cut off because I didn't take the trouble to make it all match up...who knew scissors could hide such a multitude of mistakes and lazinesses?
After uploading this to Pinterest, I realized that I probably should have worn jeans instead of my ridiculously skin-tight jeggings. 7 likes, 1 comment, 28 repins, and less than half an hour later, I have officially learned my lesson.
Happy Weekend!
Hannah =)


  1. Love this! My sister is really into redoing menswear - she inspired me to buy a mens shirt that I'm currently redoing :)

  2. Love this idea! I will have to try it:-)

